Developer-first Gradle builds

Sterling Greene & Paul Merlin

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Challenges ๐Ÿ”ฅ

Maintenance and understanding

Developer first builds 💪

Vision and current state

Demos 🎛

Don’t say it, declare it

What’s next? 🔮

A peak into the future

Who are we?

🧑‍💻 🧑‍💻

sterling paul
speaker {
  name = "Paul Merlin"
  company = "Gradle"
  joined = 2015
  currently = "Declarative Gradle"
  previously = "Performance, Kotlin DSL, Configuration Cache"
  github = "eskatos"
  mastodon = ""
speaker {
  name = "Sterling Greene"
  company = "Gradle"
  joined = 2014
  currently = "Declarative Gradle"
  previously = "JVM, Core, Native, Build Cache"
  github = "big-guy"
  x = "@argfile"


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logo gradle old
logo gradle elephant old

Since 2008, our mission is to accelerate developer productivity.

logo gradle elephant geometrics
logo gradle elephant
logo gradle elephant outline
logo gradle build tool

Apache licenced sofware build tool

With 50M+ monthly downloads and one of the top 20 popular open source projects according to TechCrunch.

logo develocity light

Develocity, commercial product, is the first Developer Productivity Engineering (DPE) integrated solution.

ge 4
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Build Scanยฎ

A permanent record of what happens during a build.

buildscan example

build scan link

Developer Productivity Engineering

DPE is an emerging software practice that relies on acceleration technologies and data analysis to improve developer productivity.

NEW: DPE University ๐ŸŽ“

  • Free courses at

  • 6 Gradle courses - from Beginner to Advanced levels

  • More courses on Maven, Develocity etc…​

Challenges 🔥

Gradle is flexible and extensible

Challenges 🔥

Gradle is flexible and extensible

  • Build scripts speak Gradle and not your domain.

  • Build scripts can be a mess.

  • Tooling can only help so much.

Challenges - Jeg taler Gradle


plugins {

repositories {

dependencies {




tasks.named<Test>("test") {

Challenges - ☢


plugins {

apply {

tasks.named<Test>("test") {
    jvmArgs "-Dsamples=${projectDir.absolutePath}/samples"

... 500 lines ...

tasks.named<Test>("test") {
    useJUnitPlatform {

Challenges - Gauntlet for toolability


android {
    namespace = "com.example.${}"

dependencies {


    if (!buildingForJava17()) {


    listOf("foo", "bar").forEach { name ->


fun buildingForJava17() = JavaVersion.current() == JavaVersion.VERSION_17

Questions ๐Ÿ–๏ธ

  • Who has needed a flexible and extensible build system?

  • Who has seen a complex build?

Overcoming challenges


Overcoming challenges - Definitions

  • Software Definition

    • What needs to be built

    • Kind of software, languages, target platforms

    • Dependencies, toolchains, quality checks etc…​

  • Build Logic

    • How the software will be built

    • Adds new capabilities, integrate tools

    • Supplies convention to the software definition

Overcoming challenges - Recommendations

Gradle can look declarative

  • Keep build logic in plugins

  • Give your convention plugins meaningful names

  • Keep your build scripts simple - condition and loop free

Overcoming challenges - 🎉


plugins {

dependencies {

But this might not be enough.

Developer-first builds 🎛


Developer-first builds - Vision

Elegant and extensible declarative build language that allows developers to describe any kind of software in a clear and understandable way.

  • Extensible, flexible โœ…

  • Declarative ๐Ÿ˜ž

  • Clear and understandable ๐Ÿ˜ซ

Software Developers & Build Engineers

  • Software Developers - Majority in most teams

    • Improve software by shipping features, fixing bugs …​

  • Build Engineers - Frequent in larger teams

    • Maintain the build, make developers productive

  • ๐ŸŽฉ โ†” ๐Ÿงข - Frequent in smaller teams

    • Who’s the Gradle expert?

Software Definition vs Build Logic

  • Software Definition - What needs to be built

    • Meant to be read and modified by Software Developers

    • Resides in settings and projects definitions

  • Build Logic - How the software will be built

    • Meant to be read and modified by Build Engineers

    • Resides in plugins (local or external)

Developer-first builds - Tactical goals

  • Separate software definition and build logic
    with a declarative DSL

  • Match the software definition to the software domain

  • Excellent Tooling and IDE Integration

Developer-first builds 🎛

Current state

Developer-first builds - Teams

We work on this together ๐Ÿค

  • Multiple teams at Gradle (DSL, Software, IDE)

  • Android Studio team at Google

  • IntelliJ, Kotlin & Amper teams at JetBrains

Developer-first builds - Disclaimers

  • These are experiments.

  • Prototypes require a Gradle nightly.

  • IDE features require an Android Studio nightly.

  • Prototypes are changing all the time and are not ready for production use.

Developer-first builds - Declarative Configuration Language

  • Purely declarative

  • Small subset of the Kotlin language

  • Fast and resilient parser

  • Schemas & Documents

Developer-first builds - Tooling

  • Get projects schemas via Gradle’s Tooling API

    • After build settings are evaluated

    • Before configuring any project

  • Load documents for project definitions

    • Validate using the schema

    • DOM-like API

  • This is data!

    • JSON Serialization

Developer-first builds - Performance

./gradlew assemble

declarative performance

Current prototypes - Software definition

  • Software types for Kotlin (KMP), JVM (Kotlin, Java) & Android

    • Software type is a high level model for the ecosystem

  • Wraps around existing plugins

  • Limited configurability just to explore/experiment

  • No plugin application in project DCL files

Current prototypes - Reusable conventions

  • Reusable conventions support sharing common configuration

    • Properties

    • Dependencies

  • Declared at the top-level settings DCL file

Current prototypes - Software types - Demo


conventions {
    kotlinJvmLibrary {
        javaVersion = 21


kotlinJvmLibrary {
    // javaVersion comes from convention

    dependencies {


Questions ๐Ÿ–๏ธ

  • Who has tried to automate changing the build definition?

  • Who would like to clicky-click in a UI to understand a build and change it?

What’s next? 🔮

A peak into the future

What’s next? - Mutations / Refactorings

  • Gradle guided changes available from tooling and command-line

  • Integrated with IDE workflow (preview/diff, undo)

  • Provided out of the box by Gradle or registered by plugins

What’s next? - Mutations / Refactorings


  • Upgrade an external dependency

  • Add Compose to this project

  • Update Gradle from 9.0 → 9.1

  • Refactor this project to use non-deprecated properties

What’s next? - Quick and resilient IDE sync

  • Progressively provide more context
    instead of a monolithic sync step.

  • Avoid slow recompilation of build scripts when build logic changes.
    Reparsing declarative files is fast.

  • Errors in a declarative file don’t need to be fatal to sync
    Best effort: know what "kind" of project it is at least.

What’s next? - Other IDEs

  • We want all features to be available to most IDEs

  • We’re working with JetBrains and Google for their IDEs

  • Our IDE team is exploring

    • LSP language server & BSP build server

    • plugins for both Eclipse/Buildship and Visual Studio Code

  • LSP & BSP should allow to add support in many other IDEs

What’s next? - Defining new Software types

  • Multiple conventions for the same software type

  • Restricted configurability for a software type

  • Entirely new software types/ecosystems

What’s next? - Multiple Software type conventions

For example, a build with two different KMP libraries.


softwareTypes {
    legacyLibrary {
    nextGenerationLibrary {
        compose {

What’s next? - Software type conventions

Some reusable conventions cross software type boundaries.

For example, Compose can be used by KMP or Android.


conventions {
    compose {
        kotlinCompilerExtensionVersion = "1.5.12"
softwareTypes {
    kmpLibrary {
        compose = conventions.compose
    androidLibrary {
        compose = conventions.compose

Where do we want to go?


Where do we want to go? ๐Ÿš€

Elegant and extensible declarative build language that allows developers to describe any kind of software in a clear and understandable way.

and more …​

  • Pluggable mutations/refactorings

  • Excellent IDE support


  • You can mix imperative and declarative in a build

  • Gradle imperative DSLs don’t go away

  • Software-types will be usable from imperative DSLs

  • We are exploring ways and tooling for incremental migration

Roadmap - Highly speculative

  • First EAP this summer

    • Demonstrating what we just talked about

    • Early feedback from the community

  • 2024-H2

    • More EAPs towards the end of the year

    • More features

    • Addressing collected feedback

    • Further feedback from the community

Call to action


We need your help and feedback ๐Ÿ™Œ

Thank you!

Don’t forget to vote!

Come talk with us at our booth ๐Ÿ˜

speaker {
  name = "Sterling Greene"
  company = "Gradle"
  joined = 2014
  currently = "Declarative Gradle"
  previously = "JVM, Core, Native, Build Cache"
  github = "big-guy"
  x = "@argfile"
speaker {
  name = "Paul Merlin"
  company = "Gradle"
  joined = 2015
  currently = "Declarative Gradle"
  previously = "Performance, Kotlin DSL, Configuration Cache"
  github = "eskatos"
  mastodon = ""